Sunday, June 26, 2011

Teacher Gifts

This is a little late post, but here are the gifts that my girls did for their teachers.
My first grader wanted to give her teacher a basket of gifts and then give the student teacher something.

We did a bundle of pencils

She painted a frame and we put a cute 
picture of her and her teacher in it..

She made her a clip board, I let her pick out the paper and she antiqued the edges..she had so much fun making it for her teacher.

cute saying with goldfish

This is what it looked like all put together, 
her teacher LOVED IT!!!

She made the student teacher a clipboard also 
with a cute card and chocolate bar.

My daughter that is in Middle School, made 
these for her teachers. Clipboards and fishies.

We did this for her coach, "I SKOR-ED BIG getting 
you as a coach". WE made a cute envelope and inserted a SKOR bar, 
with a sweet note.

My daughter in 1st grade wanted to give all of her classmate something, to thank them for being her friends. So, as a last minute things we put together little notes attached them to an airhead candy.

For the crossing walk "DUDE" we put together a little note "Thanks for BEE-ing the BEST cross walking DUDE"!!! (my daughters own words)
attached a bag of brown and yellow M & M's for a "BEE" effect.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wonderful ideas and so darn cute!!!! You & your daughters are so creative. Bet everyone loved their little gifts! :)