Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fun, Kids Chore Charts!!

I have been wanting to make my kids chore charts, but I wanted them to help. So, I decided on an idea, that they got to help paint and pick out the paper. They had so much fun. AND they have worked so well, they love them.

I got a metal shingle from HOME DEPOT in the roofing isle, I believe it was 8 X10. I then MOG PODGED there favorite piece of paper on to the metal shingle, which will create a magnet board. I had some wood laying around so, I just cut it to size, let them paint the wood to match there paper and it was done. I found some great magnet clips at the dollar store that help clip there TO DO chart on the magnet board. After I made there chores, laminated and added magnets to the back on the computer, they were set!! It was such a fun, easy way to have them help and get excited about doing CHORES!!!

click on picture to enlarge

Thanks for stopping by!!!

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